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Maggie, about their slide into the middle of the desert. “I know it’s not fair, but personally, I blame this on Mallory.”
Rembrandt, on their predicament. “If it’s got to be a desert, why not a desert resort? Golf course, swimming pool, drinks in coconuts, hot and cold running maids.”
Mallory, alluding to his shady criminal past. “Well… I’ve dug a few ditches in my time.”
Mallory, upon discovering that the Chandler is part of the dig. You think we should tell the professor that the only religion practiced in here involved a lot of scotch and soda?”
Professor Bigelow, ‘analyzing’ a beer mug. “I think it’s some kind of ceremonial goblet. Probably used in rituals conducted in this very room.”
Bigelow, on a parking meter. “Until I can take it apart to study the mechanism, let’s call it the ‘coin operated time dispenser.’”
Mallory “I just had a warm, fuzzy thought… what if our duplicates died here?”
Rembrandt, about the body in suspended animation. “‘By morning it should be thawed enough.’ He’s talking like it’s nothing but a Thanksgiving turkey.”
Mallory, on the discovery that the frozen guy was a Shriner. “Well, that’s sort of royalty.
Maggie, off Rembrandt’s “shrine.” “Wow. A Hard Rock Cafe; literally.”
Maggie, to Mallory and Diana, giving Rembrandt some space with his 70s Cadillac. “Come on, guys. The man needs some time with an old friend.”
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sanct08, Avant-hier à 16:19

Hello le nouveau mois n'attend que vous chez Le Caméléon, The X-Files et Star Trek !

sanct08, Avant-hier à 16:19

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